If you are presently engaged in any form of suicidal activity then PLEASE STOP AT
take some TIMEOUT
But FIRST: If you need to, PLEASE contact the emergency medical services
reporting an emergency please remember to speak slowly and clearly. Giving your name, the actual location of the emergency
and your telephone number.
to provide as much information as you possibly can. In particular who you are, what has happened and crucially where you are.
on the telephone and follow any instructions that the emergency operator may give.
Not in immediate danger?
GOOD. But,
if you are going through a suicidal crisis - but are not in life-threatening danger at this moment; try sharing
your feelings with someone who is there for you 24 hours a day. It could turn out to be exactly what is needed at this present
you are going through a suicidal crisis and are being torn between life or death - but don't want to discuss it
at the moment, that's fine - you could possibly be in the right place.
WELCOME to options2suicide
things have now gotten so bad, that you are beginning to believe that the only way of putting an end to your emotional
pain - is by putting an end to your physical life, you are in great danger.
is not the only means of putting an end to the emotional pain you are going through.
- The fact that you're
actually physically here, reading this message right now means that you could be trapped inside a terrifying emotional nightmare
- seemingly without end.
- If this is so, you will
be painfully aware that you need to end your suffering at any cost. Even if this cost involves dying. The suffering
must stop.
- You are right of course.
You do need to end your suffering - you do need to heal the pain. But suicide is not the way to end your suffering.
Suicide will not heal your pain. Suicide simply passes this pain onto someone else to deal with.
- However, at this moment
- being trapped in this emotional nightmare you will be feeling torn apart by the need to
live, and the desire to die. As strange as it may seem, this is a positive sign.
- The pain you are experiencing
is very real. It hurts. It is not something that is simply 'in your head'. Your pain has now got to a point where it
is overwhelming your capacity to cope - and it is becoming insufferable. It is simply too much to bear - and it feels
like it will never go away.
- As this pain increases
- the need to die also grows stronger. This is because emotional pain saps your will to live as you grow ever weaker.
In the situation you are going through, this really is understandable.
- Given the pain
you're in, your need to end it all is both perfectly natural and healthy - No one wants to suffer. No one.
- Suffering is unhealthy,
so your choice not to suffer is a perfectly healthy choice.
- If you wanted to continue
living in pain you would have to be mad. But you're not. The fact that you would sooner die than continue suffering proves
that you are not mad. It is vital that you appreciate this. This is a truth.
- You are not crazy, wicked,
weak, or going mad. You are suffering. You need this pain to stop. This pain is not stopping which is why you are experiencing
this emotional nightmare.
- Please bear one thing
in mind, and that is that what you are experiencing is a condition. BUT YOU ARE NOT A CONDITION. You are you. You are
hurting, but you are still you. Please do not forget that.
- Another thing to remember
is that conditions do improve. Conditions come and go. Perhaps they may never be the same as before - but conditions
do improve.
- At this moment, you
are probably feeling alone and trapped inside a truly frightening place. Where (given the feelings which you are experiencing)
it is perfectly normal to feel that the only way to end your emotional pain is to end your physical life. Millions
of us know this place.
- Throughout the history
of our species countless millions of others have actually been through this dreadful thing and survived. SO CAN WE.
With this in mind, it is important that we understand that there are millions of others who share our pain and what we
are going through.
- The fact that there
are so many millions of others who have, and do survive a suicidal crisis is itself quite inspirational and should fill
us with hope. It is proof that options to suicide really do exist.
Stay with me on this please you are not alone.
pain can be agonising and can cause misery and suffering well beyond our capacity to survive that pain. This is what is happening.
You are not weak minded. You are not a freak. You are a human being who is going through a truly terrible time at the moment;
and your power to cope is being overwhelmed by intense emotional pain.
- I know that I may be
repeating myself and that it is hard to believe, but this pain will pass. No matter how bad it is and how much worse
it will become. One thing is sure. Eventually - it will diminish.
- The suicidal thoughts
and feelings, which you are experiencing, is a natural response to the pain you're going through. These too will diminish
in the fullness of time. But at this moment, you will still be experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings. Do not be afraid.
- Remember one important
truth, there is a world of difference between having suicidal thoughts and acting upon them. Whilst it is ok to have such
thoughts, it's not ok to act upon them.
- Suicide is not a coping
strategy. Suicide is a killer. Suicide does not heal. Suicide guarantees you will never heal. Suicide does not end pain; it
passes it on to someone else. Suicide is not a sanctuary. Suicide is not an option.
bottom line
- You desperately need
to feel better - to do this you need to be able to feel. If you are dead, your feelings will also be dead - you will not be
able to feel better. You will be dead and your loved one's will be devastated. Suicide will not help you feel better.
- Human contact, emotional
support and a good coping strategy will help you to feel better. Human contact will help you to feel better. Emotional support
will save you and those around you, and a good coping strategy will help you recover.
- It is vital that you
accept one simple truth: Suicide is not the solution you seek. But the real solution is out there. It is only a question of
time till you find it, but find it you will. BUT ONLY IF YOU STAY ALIVE
- In this situation, it
is normal to experience being torn between life and death - and let's be honest - it’s both scary and confusing.
Again, given the situation, it is perfectly natural and is nothing for us to panic about.
have another recap.
- We know we are
going through Hell because pain is overwhelming our ability to cope with that pain.
- We urgently need
this painful situation to come to an end. This is why we are contemplating suicide.
- We are not crazy,
weird or weak.
- We desperately
need "not to be" in the pain we're in. And not as previously thought, desperately need "to die". There is a whole world of
- Suicidal feelings really
do pass.
these important things in mind, I hope things are becoming just a little clearer.
- Now, we need to make
sure that we take control of this situation, and not allow these situations to take control of us.
will require a good coping strategy and people around us who genuinely care. Hopefully this DASI site will help to find
a good coping strategy.
difficult bit
- Given that it is your
life that is at stake here - and the sanity of your loved ones. The next step is to transform
the struggle from "not to be" (in an intolerable situation) into "to be" (in a happier one).
- This process requires certain steps and hard work by each one of us. But this struggle is
all-important and will be worth it - after all death is no real alternative. But we must not forget, we are not alone. Millions
of others have survived this so why shouldn't we?
- The important thing
now is for us to take the really difficult step and approach someone we can confide in.
- It is imperative that
we reach out from where we are. We need to speak with someone who is prepared to listen. In a perfect world this would be
a loved one or relative. But, this isn't a perfect world.
- However, whoever we
choose, it will be not be easy. Let's be honest It'll be bloody difficult. How does one break such news to people
you are close to? It won't be easy..... But we really have no choice, and in the long run it will be worth it.
- One of the biggest
obstacles is not knowing how to explain the confusion we are feeling. Especially when the person we really need to be speaking
with might even be the one 'responsible' (in some measure) for how we are feeling.
- How we make someone
aware of what we are going through will vary from person to person. Some will prefer a direct no nonsense face-to-face
approach, whilst others, may write lengthy documents. Whatever, approach we choose, it is vital that we open this dialogue.
- One approach might
be to not throw them in at the deep end, but allow them a gentler introduction. This person may have been aware that
there is a something seriously wrong and has been worried about you.
- Slowly explain what
you are going through. Perhaps you could even use the DASI website as a means of breaking the ice. Possibly pointing
out a passage to them and adding "this is how I feel". Or "this is what I'm going through". By doing this together
it could be a very positive first step for both of you - I hope.
Other things
you can do are
- Avoid using alcohol
or recreational drugs to block reality out. This usually only serves to make matters worse. Although it is appealing
and often far too convenient to ignore, try to avoid it. The bottom line here is that successful suicides can be the result
of impulse - And, alcohol often makes us impulsive.
- Try to sleep. Even daytime catnaps will help to calm. If sleep seems impossible, periods of rest can be
a great help. Remember that alcohol is not a sedative it is a sleep disrupter.
- Talk to someone who is a good listener.
- Don't panic you are not going mad.
- As a last resort call The Samaritans (or equivalent organisations outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland)
or the Emergency Services.
people have suicidal thoughts and feelings at some point in their lives; this is a natural response when pain overwhelms the
body's capacity to cope with that pain.
all suicidal people have conditions that will pass with time and/or assistance and/or a recovery programme. In the meantime,
there are hundreds of steps one can take to improve the situation for those of us going through a crisis. These could save
lives and prevent a great deal of human suffering.
road to recovery
would be foolish to pretend that the road to recovery will be short and filled with happiness. It is more likely to be long
and filled with sorrow and disappointment. It will take our best efforts and our perseverance. I'm sure that we'll all
falter and stumble, but that's only to be expected - we're only human after all.
Whilst everyone's
journey will be unique - they must surely share the same common characteristics.
- The experts are uniform in their insistence that the first major obstacle we are required to acknowledge
is our pain - and also acknowledge what caused it. We also need to accept that whatever caused our pain also
hurt our bodies, minds and emotions
- To accomplish what we need to accomplish we need the support of human beings who empathetically understand
our pain, and will be able to share coping strategies and mutual support with us. Support groups are ideal to meet this need.
- At some point, we may well consider reaching out for professional help. A therapist or counsellor who each
one of us - as individuals - feel comfortable and at ease with.
- One thing that appears to be universally agreed upon is the need for each of us to share our feelings with someone
-family and friends - if possible.
taken the bold decision to communicate with someone and lay bare the hurt within you; the next step is to find someone
to confide in.
this point psychiatrists, priests and doctors are 'customarily' recommended as a first contact. In truth, I personally
have a problem with approaching these people as the first step to recovery.
contact is all-important.
psychiatrists will be listening from the viewpoint of defining us as a mental illness: Considering whether or not
to place us in a secure environment and what dosage of anti-depressants to prescribe.
priests believe that suicide is an unpardonable sin, and some could truly believe that we will burn in Hell. Whilst
doctors (who have the highest suicide rate of any profession) will be inclined to prescribe medication and refer you to a
said that, it could be that the overwhelming majority of priests, doctors and psychiatrists would be the perfect point
of first contact.
initially, you are reluctant to speak with a person face-to-face you could also consider telephone help-lines. These are ideally
suited to provide the help, support and humanity required. If you'd rather not talk with anyone there are now more and more
email and text messaging options available. This is of course your choice - please make it wisely.
- The important question now is deciding who you can communicate with as a first contact. Generally,
a loved one or a close friend is the obvious choice, but possibly, not always the easiest choice.
problem here is that we don't want to trouble or worry those close to us. We don't want to become a burden on them, nor
let them down. We are anxious about what they will think of us, and we are worried about being rejected by them.
feelings are natural and commendable but (in the situation you are in) must be overcome. IT IS YOUR LIFE AT
STAKE. You cannot afford the luxury of such thoughts.
that it is your life at stake, ask yourself which is worse - risking worrying friends and loved ones with your feelings -
or shattering their lives with your death.
know it's a risk. But if they love you they will try to offer what support they can. Grasp that support without shame
or guilt. They won't want you to kill yourself and they will probably never forgive you or themselves if you did.
you choose it is important that you be as honest as you can. But perhaps not all at once. Take as much time as you need. Once
communication has been established move at your own pace. But be as honest as you possibly can.
Once the immediate
danger has passed, it makes sense to put some preventative measures in place to prevent it happening again.
We need to reach
out from the place where we are. Isolation is a very real danger to us all. It feels 'right' to hide within ourselves, but
we cannot afford to isolate ourselves forever. It really is too dangerous..
We must try
not to leave it too long before we reach out for help. It really will not get any easier with the passing of time.
We must not be afraid to
reach out for assistance.
We are not begging
for charity. Instead we are reaching out for help (which we feel able to accept) from the individuals we feel able to accept
it from. A family member, partner, friend or colleague. Doctor, nurse, health service practioner, priest etc. Anyone
you feel to be trustworthy.
If you are unable
to do this, why not use a telephone help-line. Organisations like The SAMARITANS are there to talk (and much more importantly
= to listen) 24/7.
If you recognise
that your crisis is out of control and your coping strategies are breaking down - go to your nearest hospital emergency admissions
department, and let them know of your situation.
- If possible we should get rid of everything that we could use to kill ourselves with.
- We are strongly advised to get rid of all the bad things
in our lives which have caused us so much pain.
- Avoid abusive bullying people who cause pain, distress and misery. If you are
trapped in an abusive relationship, get help and get the Hell out of it, while you can.
- Avoid everywhere where we feel threatened, sad, distressed
or just uncomfortable.
- We should avoid any and all situations, which cause us stress,
unhappiness or pain.
- We should think of the positive things, which brought us
happiness in the past. Imagine doing them again.
- At the same time we must avoid BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES that can
make us maudling and depressed.
- We should try to structure our days around doing the things,
which we used to enjoy doing.
- At the same time (and this is important) avoid doing the
things, which can damage us, or cause us pain.
- We should concentrate on living one day at a time. When we
relax more we can make it two days. Then three etc until we can plan next years vacation without worry.
- Try to rediscover the activities, which we used to find
highly pleasurable.
- Try to consider the suffering that your death would cause.
- Never forget suicide crises do pass.
the idea of anyone committing suicide to somehow teach someone a 'lesson' really doesn't work.
who doubts this simple truth should speak with the families of suicides.
understand HOW YOUR SUICIDE WOULD DESTROY THE LIVES OF YOUR LOVED ONES you could contact Survivors of Bereavement groups.
Speak with one of their members, or counsellors, or simply ask to attend one of their meetings.
I'm sure that learning of the devastation that suicide inflicts upon those left
behind by their own loved ones would
make any human being think twice about their actions.
don't forget your 24/7 crisis line number
Having said all that. If you really
can't speak to someone face to face nor speak over the telephone you still have options. For example email or text
jo@samaritans.org TEXT: 07725 909090
you truly wish to remain anonymous you can create a free email address by visiting www.hotmail.com or www.talk21.com. Here
you are able to choose an address which does not identify you. Your address can be accessed from any computer and will be
protected by a password, so no-one else can access it.
Luck and Take Very Special Care