EU Citizens Charter

Please note that any adverts have been added by the site provider TRIPOD and not by me ).


In the name of "protecting the economy" our national sovereign governments across the EUROPEAN UNION are inflicting increasingly severe "austerity measures" upon (us) their income providing tax paying / wealth creating populations.


Whilst these austerity measures may benefit the bankers, the money markets, corporate vested interests and "the economy". They are severely damaging the lives of millions of the poorest of us common folk within the EUROPEAN UNION.


As a direct consequence of this, millions of our fellow citizens are suffering. One disturbing example of this suffering is homelessness which is growing throughout the European Union. 


 As our national governments "austerity measures" continue to intensify: The number of our fellow citizens compelled to exist out in the open (with no right to shelter) will continue to increase.


As their numbers increase, so will the life ruining consequences of their plight. All too often, the ordeal of homelessness takes people through a nightmare of abuse, social exclusion, violence and leads to crime, drug and/or alcohol addiction, mental and physical illness, and (for far too many) suicide - others simply die of neglect.


Regardless of their EU state of origin, these are our fellow citizens,  they  are dying on our streets and their numbers are rising. This being so... WE the citizens of the EU can either turn our backs on our fellow citizens. Or, (in the true spirit of European Solidarity and Unity) we can unite together and try to do something about it. it.                        


But what could we possibly do ?


Well, we could turn to Europe ...


The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights sets out in a single text,  the whole range of civil, political, economic and social rights of European citizens and all persons resident in the EU. These rights are divided into six sections: Dignity. Freedoms. Equality. Solidarity. Citizens' rights and Justice. Despite these noble aspirations; homeless people are still dying on the streets of the EU and will continue to do so in inreasing numbers as homelessness increases in the EU.


At present...

Assisting our fellow citizens to survive their nightmarish ordeal: Dedicated individuals and secular and religious groups (across the EU) voluntarily provide essential humanitarian support within their own towns and cities.  This invaluable support can take the form of a local soup-kitchen, a food bank, an emergency night shelter, a clothing bank, access to medical assistance etc. 


Were it not for these splendid individuals and voluntary sector groups: The death toll of homeless people across the EU would be staggering.


That said...  

Whilst the truly inspirational humanitarian efforts of these individuals and groups does a great deal to help and sustain individuals and families at a purely neighbourhood level. The social problem of homelessness is actually a growing blight throughout the European Union.


With this in mind...

The fact that homelessness is increasing across the European Union, isn't it appropriate that we seek a unionwide response? After all, we have one commonly elected EU "government" that should be in a position to help - and that is the  EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT.


 This body is the only 'EU institution' directly elected by us ( the peoples of the EUROPEAN UNION)  to actually work on our behalf. As such, the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT already has a moral responsibility to act on behalf of ALL citizen's of the EUROPEAN UNION.....


Surely this moral responsibility must  include all EU Citizens - including the homeless ones.


This being so: It is right that we try to engage the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT  in addressing (or assisting to address) the problem of homelessness throughout its own constituencies; - and by so doing  - assisting to mitigate the cruel ravages of homelessness upon the rising number of EU citizens. The same EU citizens who are the electorate of the European Parliament.


The Challenge...

I believe we need to involve the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT in addressing unionwide social problems (such as homelessness - and the proposed Right to shelter) on behalf of ALL of the European Parliament's constituents. 



Well, to begin with, as EU citizens we do have a Right to present the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT with a common (EU) petition signed on behalf of all of the peoples of the European Union - upon which the EU could act. This will require signaturies in at least seven of the EU states.


Such an action is possible and is covered under something called the European Citizens initiative. However, to be successful, it would be desirable to recruit supporters/signaturies in each and every member state of the European Union. This will require an unprecedented act of European Solidarity. But, I believe that together WE can do it.


 With this in mind, the purpose of this petition is to produce a MANDATE for the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT to act on addressing social issues (such as homelessness) on behalf of its own electorate.  It goes without saying that this initiative will either succeed or it will fail - but if we fail - at least, we will have tried!


Trying to do the 'right thing' together is the objective of this action - please support it.


               (please click on the below link - and sign)sign)                                

                                 EU Citizens' Mandate        


Please note that any adverts have been added by the site provider TRIPOD and not by me ).


In the name of "protecting the economy" our national sovereign governments across the EUROPEAN UNION are inflicting increasingly severe "austerity measures" upon (us) their income providing tax paying / wealth creating populations.


Whilst these austerity measures may benefit the bankers, the money markets, corporate vested interests and "the economy". They are severely damaging the lives of millions of the poorest of us common folk within the EUROPEAN UNION.


As a direct consequence of this, millions of our fellow citizens are suffering. One disturbing example of this suffering is homelessness which is growing throughout the European Union. 


 As our national governments "austerity measures" continue to intensify: The number of our fellow citizens compelled to exist out in the open (with no right to shelter) will continue to increase.


As their numbers increase, so will the life ruining consequences of their plight. All too often, the ordeal of homelessness takes people through a nightmare of abuse, social exclusion, violence and leads to crime, drug and/or alcohol addiction, mental and physical illness, and (for far too many) suicide - others simply die of neglect.


Regardless of their EU state of origin, these are our fellow citizens,  they  are dying on our streets and their numbers are rising. This being so... WE the citizens of the EU can either turn our backs on our fellow citizens. Or, (in the true spirit of European Solidarity and Unity) we can unite together and try to do something about it. it.                        


But what could we possibly do ?


Well, we could turn to Europe ...


The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights sets out in a single text,  the whole range of civil, political, economic and social rights of European citizens and all persons resident in the EU. These rights are divided into six sections: Dignity. Freedoms. Equality. Solidarity. Citizens' rights and Justice. Despite these noble aspirations; homeless people are still dying on the streets of the EU and will continue to do so in inreasing numbers as homelessness increases in the EU.


At present...

Assisting our fellow citizens to survive their nightmarish ordeal: Dedicated individuals and secular and religious groups (across the EU) voluntarily provide essential humanitarian support within their own towns and cities.  This invaluable support can take the form of a local soup-kitchen, a food bank, an emergency night shelter, a clothing bank, access to medical assistance etc. 


Were it not for these splendid individuals and voluntary sector groups: The death toll of homeless people across the EU would be staggering.


That said...  

Whilst the truly inspirational humanitarian efforts of these individuals and groups does a great deal to help and sustain individuals and families at a purely neighbourhood level. The social problem of homelessness is actually a growing blight throughout the European Union.


With this in mind...

The fact that homelessness is increasing across the European Union, isn't it appropriate that we seek a unionwide response? After all, we have one commonly elected EU "government" that should be in a position to help - and that is the  EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT.


 This body is the only 'EU institution' directly elected by us ( the peoples of the EUROPEAN UNION)  to actually work on our behalf. As such, the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT already has a moral responsibility to act on behalf of ALL citizen's of the EUROPEAN UNION.....


Surely this moral responsibility must  include all EU Citizens - including the homeless ones.


This being so: It is right that we try to engage the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT  in addressing (or assisting to address) the problem of homelessness throughout its own constituencies; - and by so doing  - assisting to mitigate the cruel ravages of homelessness upon the rising number of EU citizens. The same EU citizens who are the electorate of the European Parliament.


The Challenge...

I believe we need to involve the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT in addressing unionwide social problems (such as homelessness - and the proposed Right to shelter) on behalf of ALL of the European Parliament's constituents. 



Well, to begin with, as EU citizens we do have a Right to present the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT with a common (EU) petition signed on behalf of all of the peoples of the European Union - upon which the EU could act. This will require signaturies in at least seven of the EU states.


Such an action is possible and is covered under something called the European Citizens initiative. However, to be successful, it would be desirable to recruit supporters/signaturies in each and every member state of the European Union. This will require an unprecedented act of European Solidarity. But, I believe that together WE can do it.


 With this in mind, the purpose of this petition is to produce a MANDATE for the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT to act on addressing social issues (such as homelessness) on behalf of its own electorate.  It goes without saying that this initiative will either succeed or it will fail - but if we fail - at least, we will have tried!


Trying to do the 'right thing' together is the objective of this action - please support it.


               (please click on the below link - and sign)sign)                                

                                 EU Citizens' Mandate