“Apathy” is a word introduced by Greek Stoic philosophers to describe a condition of being free from emotions such as fear, pain, desire, and pleasure. Nowadays the term “apathy” primarily refers to a loss of motivation, interest, and concern

Do you lack motivation, enthusiasm and spontaneity? Do you feel listless, passive, unenthusiastic, indifferent or unmoved by events surrounding you? Have you lost interest in things that are happening around you? Is socialising a chore and/or have previous hobbies lost their meaning. Is your lack of interest frustrating your family and friends? Are loved ones feeling neglected or left out? Do you care? You are probably experiencing apathy.  Apathy can be depression linked – or,  could be a symptom of changes in the brain. Stroke victims often experience apathy.

Sufferers may also develop emotional symptoms including sadness or hopelessness. Physical symptoms, could include lethargy and/or insomnia. Another fairly common symptom could be a loss of confidence in their own abilities and people may feel unable to experience pleasure. This being so it not surprising that people may become uninterested in worldly concerns and be unwilling to do things.

Generally speaking, apathy is a short-term problem frequently related to depression. It often improves when the depression is diagnosed and treated. This being so, early diagnosis is desirable. Especially  if the condition shows no sign of improvement.  If the apathy is depression linked and shows no sign of lifting then antidepressant drugs for a short period and counselling may prove beneficial. Support groups are always a good idea. As the recovery process ‘kicks in’ or the effects of the depression begin to lift; the ‘treated’ individual can regain his or her former interest in their previous activities.


A word of warning

Apathy frequently occurs in something called neuropsychiatric conditions - both as a symptom and as a syndrome. People with a syndrome of apathy can show significant progress through pharmacological treatment (medication to you and I) Possible causes are thought to include non-alzheimer's frontal lobe dementia. Cerebral Infarction. Intercranial Hemorrhage. Alcoholism and traumatic brain injury. Given that apathy can be linked to a biological cause and could indicate brain injury or even a stroke. It would be wise to obtain a professional diagnosis asap.

Check out this site. It is called anti apathy and it's a good idea.