Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders are a group of conditions: generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive compulsive disorders.


Sufferers frequently speak of experiencing unrealistic or excessive worry. Unrealistic fears concerning objects or situations. Exaggerated startle reactions. "Flashbacks" of past trauma. Sleep disturbances. Ritualistic  behaviours as a way of with dealing with anxieties. Shakiness. Trembling . Muscle aches

Sweating. Cold/clammy hands. Dizziness. Jitteriness. Tension.

Fatigue. Racing or pounding heart. Dry mouth. Numbness or tingling of hands, feet or other body part. Upset stomach


      Lump in throat.     

      High pulse and/or breathing rate


In addition, people suffering from anxiety disorders are often apprehensive and worry that something bad may happen to themselves or loved ones. They often feel impatient, irritable and easily distracted.

Anxiety and Depression


This is a real chicken and egg situation. Whilst anxiety is a most common symptom of depression:  Depression itself can apparently arise from a ‘pre-existing’ anxiety disorder: Notably ‘disorders’ such as OCD, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia or PTSD.

This begs the question; “As a species; are we becoming more depressed about our anxiety or are we becoming more anxious about our untreated depression"?

Commonly recognized Anxiety symptoms:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Muscle tension; muscle aches; trembling or twitching in the muscles
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating or hot flashes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Under-eating or over-eating
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Sense of unreality, spaciness, or detachment from oneself.
  • Fatigue, headache
  • Breathlessness; hyperventilation
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Being easily startled

It seems to be one of life’s unwritten rules that all too often, worrying about something, which is a problem, becomes more worrying than the problem itself.

Generally speaking it is better not to bury your head in the sand. Even thought it is always tempting to make belief that there is no real problem. Facing them can help to confront your fears and work out (a) if they are real or not, and (b) what to do about them.

One positive method is to try to envisage a worst-case scenario – and imagining how you would cope with it. The likelihood is that whatever happens, it could never be as bad as you imagine. This realization can do much to increase your self-confidence in being able to cope, Which is itself important as it can serve to decrease your anxieties.

Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust (ideally close friends and family) is a good way of ‘venting’ which allows you the opportunity to ‘off-load’ a lot of worries, fears and negative feelings. This will provide you with fresh perspectives and help those close to you to understand more clearly what you are going through which, in turn, should diminish your physical stress levels.


For many individuals, writing provides a great relief. The simple act of noting down any and all, worrying situations, one-by-one. Then slowly taking each one of these problems and breaking them down into even smaller parts. Listing them in order of importance and then devising a realistic solution for each one, including a timetable for it to be completed. An excellent incentive is to reward yourself for each goal you achieve.


Expressive writing or other forms of creative expression are known to help to minimize intrusive thoughts about negative events. Starting a journal to record thoughts and feelings is a tried and tested method of tackling worries. Worrying can also have a lot to do with a lack of self-confidence. This being so, it could be a good idea to consider attending a self-assertiveness class to improve interpersonal skills. This would also provide you with the opportunity to meet new people who could soon become new friends.


As Human Beings we worry much more when we are stressed, and given the nature of the world in which we live, that stress is never likely to decrease. Accordingly, we do have need for a place of sanity   - a place of sanctuary, a place to unwind, relax and reflect


Because of the non-stop chaos of every stress filled day, many of us appear to have actually forgotten how to relax. Learning to relax is a good way to reduce worrying, improve sleep and relieve physical  stress-related symptoms. Regular exercise is also recommended as a  good way to reduce anxiety; and can be particularly useful if you are experiencing sleeping difficulties. But exercise doesn’t have to be tiring. Millions swear by the relaxing benefits of Yoga and Meditation.



Regular balanced meals and a high-fibre diet sustain levels of physical energy. Anyone experiencing feeling anxious and/or stressed really needs to avoid drinking too much caffeine and alcohol as it can make things much worse.


Many people are turning away from pharmaceutical treatments and are discovering that complementary therapies work for them. Which is not to say that they could work for everyone, but they certainly work for a growing number. The most popular of these therapies include acupuncture, reflexology and aromatherapy.


Excessive worrying has been linked to the development of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as insomnia and depression. Some treatment may help.

Medical treatment
Tranquilisers are often used to 'treat' the symptoms of severe anxiety. These drugs are addictive and should only be used for a short period. Antidepressants are also used, they are not addictive and so can have long term use.

Non-medical treatment

§      Talking therapies aim to tackle negative thoughts and behaviours, and deal with underlying causes of anxiety through a series of sessions with a trained therapist. The kind of talking therapy may depend on the severity of the anxiety. Examples include:


§      Cognitive behaviour therapy – this treatment helps examine the ways people think about the world around them. It explores connections between their anxiety and how they think, feel and behave. The theory is that by learning new ways of thinking and behaving people are better able to face their fears.


§      Psychodynamic psychotherapy – this treatment focuses on the underlying emotional causes of psychological problems such as childhood events, unresolved conflicts and family relations. Psychotherapy may take a long time to yield results and can be an expensive treatment.


§      Counselling – this is similar to psychotherapy but more informal.  However. In a sense of fairness it must be stated that as good as it is, counselling will not suit everyone.