The obvious solution is…
Whilst trying to manage your own anger and irritability
is an obvious course of action – it is extremely difficult and usually fails. Anger
management usually involves you in an internal struggle where you are battle
with your feelings and impulses. A struggle where part of you is feeling angry and irritated and another part of you is trying
to stop those feelings! This can be infuriating - but considering the consequences - still desirable.
Anger management implies that first of all you must
get angry. Once this is done the next step is to try to stop feeling that anger. In other words you need to get angry so you
can examine and learn different ways of feeling less angry.
Instead of managing the effects of anger, it does seem a good idea to learn how
to avoid it in the first place! I know that it is easier to say than do, but if we could develop the ability to meet those
situations which irritate and cause us to become angry or annoyed without exploding, life would become much easier.
The alternative is to change
To achieve this happy state of affairs requires us
to change our attitude towards those triggers. This approach will take time but is a lot more likely to free you from being
a victim of your own triggers and feelings.